
Running Assessment

Run faster, run stronger and reduce your injury risk

Our RunFit sessions are useful whether you are currently suffering with a niggle or if you are injury free and just want to run faster, for longer.
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Our runfit running assessment sessions last 90 minutes during which we will:

Discuss your injury history, current training patterns and what you want to achieve with your running.

Test the strength of the major muscle groups that you use whilst running to look for any weaknesses or side to side differences and to help establish a baseline.

Look at your movement control when doing single leg activities such as hopping and squatting.

Film you running over-ground and whilst on a treadmill from different angles and review each part of your gait cycle and biomechanics in slow motion.

Discuss the findings of your running analysis and identify areas that may help to improve your running efficiency and or reduce the load through sensitive tissues.

Teach you specific cues to alter your running biomechanics and how to incorporate them into your running.
Provide a training plan to allow you to reach your running goals this may include specific strengthening exercises depending on what we have found during your assessment.


Repetition is essential in order to retrain your running technique effectively as is good feedback to allow you to fine tune things and be sure that you are maintaining good running form. That is why we have developed a our re-training packages of 6 sessions.

These ideally should be used within a 3 month period to give you the best chance of re-training your technique. Each 45 minute re-training session will include running retraining with video feedback and retraining drills.

All assessment and re-training sessions take place at our clinic 80 Kirkland Court, Kendal LA9 5AP

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Price List


90 minute initial assessment


90 minute initial assessment plus 3 x 45 min retraining sessions


90 minute initial assessment plus 6 x 45 min retraining sessions


for a package of 6 x 45 min retraining sessions


Individual retraining sessions

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