Reema Bose MCSP HCPC

Reema Bose MCSP HCPC


Reema was lucky enough to have finished her Bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy just before lockdown in 2020 from India. After which she worked for a year in private clinical setup with musculoskeletal and neurological cases. She also attended workshops on pilates and dry needling.

During her clinical experience, Reema got interested in how body works and decided to go ahead and pursue a Master’s degree in motion analysis from University of Dundee, Scotland in 2021.

During her Master’s course Reema learnt to use various technology that subjectively analyses mechanics involved in human body motion.

Reema uses a combination of manual therapy, dry needling and exercise therapy incorporating principles of pilates and her knowledge on biomechanics to help her clients improve the quality of their movements.

When not being a physio, she is out exploring new towns and cities around, reading thriller and fictional novels, likes doing yoga and try cooking delicious Indian food.