Our Blogs

August 12, 2019
Some of you will already know Lisa our practice manager. A few months ago Lisa completed the Keswick to Barrow walk along with Kerry one of our physios. They did amazing raising loads of money for some worthwhile causes as well as being the fastest all female team to…

July 7, 2019
It’s that time of year again! My 39th birthday is rapidly approaching and I realised that time is running out (no pun intended) on me achieving my goal of running a marathon before I turn the big four zero. Is it a mid life crisis type of thing? Possibly but it’s…

February 3, 2019
By Kris Baldock ​It’s that time of year again, whether you’ve started a new year fitness regime or are planning to hit the slopes for that ski holiday, a sudden change in physical activity can lead to injury. A large number of people embark on a new exercise regime,…

February 21, 2018
“Is your back pain taking over your life, does it stop you enjoying an active outdoor lifestyle or prevent you from playing with your kids/grandkids? If this sounds like you or a friend or loved one you know you need to keep reading”. ​ ​1.Avoid bedrest, stay in work…

August 2, 2017
Kendal Physiotherapy Centre are proud to announce a new partnership with Kendal Rugby Union Football Club (KRUFC). The Hornets are due to move into their brand new state of the art facility at Mint Bridge and we will be opening a satellite clinic at the new ground….

April 7, 2017
Kendal Physiotherapy Centre now has it’s own YouTube channel! Our first offering is a short clip on the benefits of strength training for runners and some examples of exercises and how to progress them.

February 16, 2016
Despite what runners read & hear every day, studies have yet to discover what causes most running related injuries (RRIs). Well actually that’s not entirely true the thing that causes most running related injuries is surprise surprise… RUNNING! So now we have got…

November 29, 2015
sports injuries Richard Clarke & Lennard Funk Rock climbing has become a professional competitive sport with its own bi-annual international world cup and an estimated 25 million climbers involved in the sport in 140 countries (Danger 2013). The International…